In the Shadow of Limbo: Top 5 Alternative Games You Need To Check Out

Samanta Blumberg


In the Shadow of Limbo: Top 5 Alternative Games You Need To Check Out

Limbo, a unique spin on the 2D platformer genre by developer Playdead, has indisputably left a significant impact on the gaming community. Its evocative, grayscale visuals, hauntingly atmospheric soundtrack, and challenging physics-based puzzles created a captivating universe that finished off with an ambiguous and emotive narrative. But after mastering Limbo and completing its enigmatic storyline, where do we go from there? If you're craving for darkly aesthetic, intricate, and thought-provoking games, we have you covered. Here, we've handpicked five Limbo alternative games. Venture into these complex, intense worlds and satiate your thirst for an unforgettable gaming experience.

1. Inside

Inside gameplay

Inside, created by Playdead, the same developer of Limbo, is a definite place to start if you rule Limbo among your all-time favourite games. The two games share a similar tone and gameplay, with Inside being concisely described as the spiritual successor to Limbo.


Inside expands upon Limbo's gameplay facets, combining immersive environmental storytelling with creative 2D and 3D physics puzzles. You'll also have the element of direct control over other characters introduced, amounting to an even richer gaming experience.

Story & Setting

Inside drops you in a dystopian world and adopts a distinct no-dialogue approach to plot development, allowing the grim, oppressive environment to tell its wordless tale. Your character, a young boy, endeavours unknowingly through this dangerous land, hiding from the abuses of its dystopian society.

2. Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares gameplay

Little Nightmares, created by Tarsier Studios, ditches the grayscale aesthetic but retains the ominously dim, eerie feel and adds a grace note of grotesque to the mix.


You'll find a familiar mix of platform navigation and physics-based puzzles fused with stealth elements. You would need to hide and sneak around to evade enemies, creating suspenseful sequences.

Story & Setting

You play Six, a small child trapped in The Maw, a submerged facility full of deformed, grotesque beings. The game ushers you forward through gruesome environments, stimulating a chilling, poignant journey towards freedom from The Maw's horrors.

3. Deadlight

Deadlight gameplay

Deadlight, developed by Tequila Works, is a zombie apocalypse take on the 2D puzzle-platformer genre. It borrows heavily from Limbo's aesthetics, replacing its deep shadows with a post-apocalyptic grayscale world.


Deadlight mixes platforming, combat, and puzzle-solving, set against a backdrop of an infested, desolate city. You'll need to use your wits to navigate and survive against the shambling hordes.

Story & Setting

You assume the role of Randall, a lone survivor in a zombie-infested world, in his relentless pursuit of his lost family. The narrative revolves around loss, survival, and the human struggle against overwhelming odds in the dusk of civilization.

4. Toby: The Secret Mine

Toby The Secret Mine game

Next in line is 'Toby: The Secret Mine' by Lukas Navratil. This game picks up both the minimalist, chiaroscuro aesthetic and puzzle-based gameplay where Limbo left.


The gameplay focuses on traditional platforming and puzzle-solving, requiring intuitive thinking to proceed in the game. Some beautifully crafted, tricky challenges further stimulate players' grey cells.

Story & Setting

The game features Toby, a young boy, daring to step into a grim, dangerous world to rescue his kidnapped kinfolk. It is an exhilarating journey filled with mysteries, underpinned by a gravity-defying gameplay mechanism.

5. Black The Fall

Black The Fall game

Finally, we have Black The Fall, developed by Sand Sailor Studio. This Limbo-inspired game ventures into a similar industrial wasteland lined with hazards and puzzles.


Primarily a puzzle-platformer, it implements a myriad of mind-boggling puzzles, all pitted against a gloomy, desolate backdrop. You would need to utilize various tools at your disposal and outwit enemies to progress.

Story & Setting

Black The Fall puts you in the shoes of an old machinist trying to escape from an oppressive communist regime. The game beautifully concocts stealth and puzzle mechanics, weaving a profound narrative without any explicit verbal communication.

These games might not completely cage the void left by Limbo, yet they proffer unique experiences that will engage and captivate, each with their appeal and unrivalled charm. If you found your senses utterly enthralled by Limbo's eerie beauty, you can't go wrong diving into one of these fascinating worlds.
